As we went along on the tour of the highlands, the guide was
sure to point out famous shooting sites for movies such as Harry Potter and
shows such as Outlander. We got to see the famous steam train that was used in
all of the Harry Potter movies! I stood on the platform and watched as it
slowly road by, imagining how easy it would be to just get on a train going
anywhere and explore the world as it gets smaller every day. We also got to
visit the shooting site for the scene where Hagrid skips rocks after Buckbeak's
trial. It was really exciting to see the movie kind of come to life before our
eyes. Along the way, our guide pointed out the heather and crystals shimmering
in the midday sunlight. He explained that ancient lore stated that one should
plant these crystals to help ward off against witchcraft and other evils, while
heather was known to promote positive energies. Many Celtics and Druids
believed in the properties of the plants and stones all around them and would
surround themselves in pure energies. This part of the tour was understated but
was a really interesting glimpse into the more mystic world of Scottish Lore.
At midday we broke for lunch at a fisherman’s wharf where we dined on some of
the best fish and chips Scotland has to offer. We explored a secondhand book
store and mingled with some locals before walking to the train platform to send
off the Jacobite Steam Train.
On our way back down the highlands, we stopped for pictures
in a place called Glencoe – former home of the MacDonald Clan. We took many
pictures and again were completely blown away by the absolute beauty that is
Scotland, especially the highlands. We traveled back through Loch Lomond,
singing The Bonnie Banks o’Loch Lomond (aka you take the high road, and I’ll
take the low road), a beautifully sad song about two brothers who were given a
terrible choice. They were told they must pick one of them to die and one to
live. The older brother decided that he would be the one to sacrifice himself
because he had known love in his life and “tis better to have loved and lost than
to not have loved at all”. He “took the low road” and allowed his brother a
second chance at life and love. We made one final stop at the Drovers Inn,
which was established in 1705 and features a myriad of stuffed creatures that
greet you at the front door. The whole trip was really fantastic and well worth
the money spent!
My first week of school was filled with information laden lectures
and we even got to try practicing our suturing skills. On Tuesday we had the
pleasure of attending a talk hosted by Damien Mander – he spoke of rhino conservation
efforts currently going on in Africa. He spoke about the uphill battle faced by
conservationists, especially in the face of poachers in 3rd world
countries. It was truly incredible to hear him speak about the efforts he and
his team are making. During the first week of classes we also got the
opportunity to attend a Scottish Ceilidh (pronounced Kay-lee). There is no way
to truly describe this to anyone who has not seen it but the closest thing I can
think of is line dancing but about ten times more boisterous. Everyone is
running into everyone else and slipping over outstretched legs but by the end
of it we were all laughing together about the crazy mess of a dance we just
pulled off. The end of the night was filled with sweat, bruises, and laughter
and now I understand why Ceilidh is such a popular way to celebrate. Everyone
gets included, regardless of who you are or who you know – by the end of the
dance everyone is holding hands with new friends and laughing about how rowdy
everyone got. I went into this experience not knowing anything but came out
ready for the next one!
Anyways, Cheers to another week at this crazy thing we call
Veterinary School.
Thanks for reading,